See below for a variety of ebooks and audiobooks as well as our catalog!

(Make sure you are signed into your IS73 Google account using your email.)


Link your school account with the public library!

Download the app and follow these instructions to get ebooks, audiobooks, read-alongs and more from our school catalog and the public library!

  1. Download the app

  2. Click on "I have a setup code" and enter NYCSCHOOLS and confirm by clicking the green button

  3. Sign in using your DOE user name and password.

  4. In the top right corner, click the hamburger menu (3 horizontal lines) and click "add a public library." Search for Queens Public Library and it will be added!

  5. Pick a book and enjoy!!

Open ebooks - Click Here to See Catalog - Students can check out up to 10 books at a time and read them on their phone! Fill out this form for an Access Code and Password. Then, download the free Open ebooks app on your phone, register with First Books using your access code and pin, and start reading! These are on-line instructions for using the app.

Provides access to eBooks, audio books, digital media and more!


AUDIBLE FREE AUDIOBOOKS - Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages. All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. Use this link to get started!

Bluford High Series - Realistic fiction for the RELUCTANT READER. a collection of twenty-one young adult novels that focus on the lives of a group of high school students and their families. Set in contemporary urban America, each novel addresses complex topics relevant to the lives of today's students: family, friendship, trust, isolation, violence, and peer pressure, to name a few. -from the publisher

ESL Bits - This audio book site is designed especially for English Language Learners. The site contains many books, short stories, radio plays, songs and non-fictions texts. Users may choose listening speeds, and there are different readiness levels to choose from.

International Children's Digital Library - Here is a digital library of books from around the world.

Lit2Go - Lit2Go is a free online collection of classic stories and poems in (audiobook) format with text.

Queens Public Library - A library barcode is required or click here to apply for an Ecard.


NYC SLS COVID-19 Ebooks for Kids - A collection of free eBooks in multiple languages for children about the Coronavirus / COVID-19.

NYC SLS Gale Danielson Aligned Professional e-books - Click here for login information.

LGBTQ PICTURE BOOK COLLECTION - Multi-user copies can be used for class read-alouds. Click here for login information

Rosen Epoints plus - non-fiction from NYC DOE SLS - Click here for login information.

Project Gutenberg - Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education.

Unite For Literacy provides free access to more than 400 original picture books, one fourth of them written in Spanish. The digital books provide audio narrations in more than 40 languages, spoken by native speakers in warm, expressive voices. The languages of narration include indigenous and endangered languages along with languages most widely spoken in the US.