ORYZA2000 v2.12 (November 2004)

The following minor changes were made with respect to version 2.11 as released in 2004 (June).

1. An error in the irrigation program was corrected so that the list for inputted irrigation data in the experiment data file can be as long as 500.

2. More output data are written by the soil water balance models. Observed depth of ponded water WL0_OBS can now be entered in the soil data file.

3. In the FSEWin Shell, explanations of ORYZA2000 variables are given in the output data files of RES.DAT (the individual run files) and in the graphics screen of CHART.TXT by putting the cursor on the name of the output variable. This functionality is not implemented for the output files OP.DAT and the unformatted RES.DAT file.