ORYZA2000 v2.00 (May 2003) - FSE Shell

A user-friendly shell called FSEWin (FORTRAN Simulation Environment for Windows) has been developed to ease running the ORYZA2000 model and to better display the produced output. There are two versions of FSEWin: a version that allows the user to make changes in the FORTRAN source code (provided the Compaq Visual Fortran (CVF) program is available on the computer), and a version that allows the user to simply run the ORYZA2000 model as executable (when FORTRAN is not available). With both versions, a graphics option is available to graphically view and print the simulated variables. This option requires some modifications to the ORYZA2000 software. Technical changes were made in the module FSE of the subroutine ORYZA2000.F90 that are not detailed here. All subroutines that write dynamic output to a file need two additions. First, an extra statement ‘USE CHART’ is required just after the declaration of parameters:  


!     DECLARATION SECTION                                           *



Second, after each variable that is written to the output file using the OUTDAT subroutine, a special call (ChartOutputRealScalar) needs to be made that ensures that a file is produced that the FSEWin Shell can use to make the graphics. An example is the following to write the variable DVS: 


CALL ChartOutputRealScalar('DVS', DVS)