‎ORYZA version 3 (June 2014)‎

ORYZA version 3 – package 1 (bug fixes and modifications): 

The bug fixes and modifications in package 1 are:

1. ORYZA2000 version 3 is now renamed as ORYZA version 3.

2. Changes in the interface of the Windows edition:

· All menu buttons were replaced by corresponding toolbar icons to achieve the same functions.

· When you hover over a toolbar icon, a pop-up shows its function.

3. Correction on continuous cropping system: 

    The bug on checking whether the same soil was removed when continuous cropping system was used in simulation.

4. The error with unbalanced root nitrogen dynamics in some extreme soil conditions has been corrected.

5. The model will not be terminated if panicle biomass is negative values, and leaf, stem and root biomasses are still in positive.            

     However, the negative values of panicle will be replaced by 0.0 in the daily output file rather than negative values.

6. The variables of seasonal summary (“op.dat” file) can be predefined by user with statement in simulation control file as 




     If this statement was not appear or commented out in simulation control file, the default seasonal variables will be output into the        “op.dat” file. The variables can be selected from following list:

a) Evapotranspiration: ETDCUM, EVSCCUM, TRCCUM

b) Water balance group variables:

i. If DRSHAE, LOWBAL, or PADDY water balance modules were used in the simulation: RAINCUM, IRCUM, RUNOFCUM,     TRWCUM, EVSWCUM, DRAINCUM, PERCCUM;

ii. If PADDY module was used: (1), and CAPTOTCUM and DSWC;

iii. If SAWAH module was used: RAINC, IRC, TRWC, EVSWC, RUNOFC


d) Soil nutrient: SOC, SON, N2O, CO2, NH3, LEACHEDN.

7. The bug on leaf nitrogen estimation for potential and actual nitrogen conditions has been corrected.

8. The bug on quantification of nitrogen stress was corrected from non-continuous function to continuous function as that stress

     increase when leaf nitrogen content decrease from 0.9 time of maximum leaf nitrogen to minimum nitrogen content.