
Pre-release of ORYZA v3.2

Pre-release notes for ORYZA v3.2

The new version 3.2 of the ORYZA crop model has been expanded from the officially released version 3 in 2022 and 2023. Please note that version 3.2 is still in the testing phase and is not yet mature. We are pre-releasing it to collect user feedback on bugs and suggestions for improvement before the official release. You are welcome to use it freely at your own risk, and we encourage you to communicate with us regarding any questions or concerns about version 3.2.

ORYZA v3.2 Pre-release Version

The updates in version 3.2 include the following:

Installation Instructions for ORYZA v3.2:

You can download the ORYZA v3.2 executable program from the ORYZA model homepage. The program can be run either in the user interface or as an independent executable. 

To run the program in the simple user interface, follow these steps:

To run the program as an executable file:

Additional outputs:

With the application of ORYZA version 3.2, users can get additional outputs in seasonal and daily output files (Table 1).

Table 1: The list of additional output variables in version 3.2

Updates on the inputs:

(Please check the details in the input template associated with the download package)

1) Additional inputs in crop file:


* 11. Parameters for estimating CH4 emission


* When the CH4MOD was used

PVICH4 = 1.0 ! Variety relative index in CH4 generation, 0 to 2.0 from no CH4 to strongest

*                                                 ! its default value is 1.0 if it was not provided

Q10CH4 = 3.5 ! The Q10 value for the soil temperature effects on CH4 generation

*           ! its default value is 3.0 if it was not provided

WAGTMAX = 16000.0  ! The maximum aboveground biomass (kg/ha)

* When the GENERAL was used

VASC_A = 2.0 ! Vascularity index A for CH4 emission through plant, aerenchyma conductance to CH4 transport

VASC_B = 50.0   ! Vascularity index B for CH4 emission through plant, root resistance to CH4 uptake

2)      Additional inputs in management file:

CH4APPS = 'GENERAL'       ! Computing CH4 emissions by a general alogirthms

*CH4APPS = 'CH4MOD'        ! The CH4MOD algorithm is used for computing the CH4 emissions


HARFRAC=0.5    ! The removed fraction of stem and leaves, default: 0.95

STUBBLDD = 15.0,15.0 ! The days after the physiological maturity and depth (cm) of stubble incorporation

*   The stuble will be incorporated into the 0 to the depth evenly. Default: turn stubble to surface at maturity

*FERDTYPE = 5.0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0 ! Application depth (cm), and fraction for Urea, NH4, NO3,

*                                   organic N fertilizers, and Organic C. Default is 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0


* Define the fertilizer types and depth, first column for depth (cm), column 2 to 5 for fractions of different fertilizer

* It must have the same events as FERTIL, it combine FERTYPE and FERDEP,

* Ot is alternative way for details on types and depths


10.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0,

1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,0.0,

0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,0.0

*Fresh organic residue input at land surface if it is applicable

*SORGANC = 1000.0   ! Organic fertilizer carbon applied (kg C/ha)

*SORGANN = 20.0 ! Organic nitrogen applied (kg N/ha)

*APDOYDEP = -10, 0, 10   !The organic C and N date, minimum depth (m), and maximum depth (m). If it was

!        not provided, the applied date is the EMD and EMYR, and at surface. Otherwise, the negative

!        for date indicates the days before EMD, positive value is for days after EMD

*SFCarboh = 0.4 !* The fraction of carbohydrate in applied fresh organic fertilizer dry matter

*SFCellulo = 0.5 !* The fraction of cellulos in applied fresh organic fertilizer dry matter


CO2C_OBS =           ! The observation of CO2 emissions in kg C/ha/d

2008.00,   222.00,   9.69,

2008.00,   234.00,   5.39,

2008.00,   250.00,   2.69,

2008.00,   263.00,   16.59


CH4C_OBS =           ! The observation of CH4 emissions in kg C/ha/d

2008.00,   222.00,   0.69,

2008.00,   234.00,   1.39,

2008.00,   250.00,   2.69,

2008.00,   263.00,   1.59


N2ON_OBS =            ! The observation of N2O emissions in kg N/ha/d

2008.00,   222.00,   0.19,

2008.00,   234.00,   0.23,

2008.00,   250.00,   0.57,

2008.00,   263.00,   0.09


3) Additional inputs in soil file:

FCarboh =      !* fraction of carbohydrate in the organic matter

FCellulo =     !* fraction od cellulos in the organic matter