
Google Drive

Personal cloud storage service from google, this helps users store and synchronize digital content across digital devices.

Take it wherever you go! (you can always access your drive which means you can always access all the files you've uploaded to your Drive)

G Mail

E-mail provided by Google

Connecting with teachers has never been more important- utilize this resource!

Google Classroom

Classroom is designed to help teachers create and collect assignments digitally.

Students can keep track of what's due on the Classwork page and begin working with just a click.

IRCSD Toolkits

Are you having difficulty utilizing technology? This is a super valuable resource designed to answer questions and guide you!

Google Meet

Connect digitally with me or our class using Google Meet!

Join meet using a code provided or a direct link. Features allow us to talk, type, and share screens.

School Tool

SchoolTool allows parents and students to check grades and monitor class progress.

Code Monkey



Code HS


Khan Academy