Zones of Regulation

What are the Zones of Regulation?

The Zones of Regulation curriculum is aimed at teaching self-regulation skills to children in a concrete, systematic, and behaviorally-based approach. The program provides 4 categories or "Zones" to describe the many ways we feel as well as our various states of alertness. Children learn how to identify and understand their feelings as well as others. Additionally, students learn to manage and control impulses and sensory needs as well as improve decision-making and problem-solving skills.

What are the 4 Zones?

The Red Zone is used to describe intense feelings and extreme level of alertness. Often, a phrase used to describe this zone is "Out of Control." Some feeling words include: elated, terrified, enraged, or devastated.

The Yellow Zone is used to describe elevated feelings and heightened alertness. It is important to note, that we have some level of control in this zone as opposed to the Red Zone. Some feeling words include: excited, frustrated, silly, or nervous.

The Green Zone is used to describe calm feelings and average levels of alertness. When we are in this Zone, the best learning happens! Some feeling words include: happy, content, thankful, and focused.

The Blue Zone is used to describe down/sad feelings and low levels of alertness. Some feeling words include: sad, tired, sick or bored.

For more information about the Zones of Regulation, check out the following link:

Zones of Regulation

Remote learning is hard, Koalas! Check out my virtual zones room to chill

Virtual Zones Room