Unit 1: Thoughtful Decisions - Thoughtful Decisions explores the fact that every day, students make thoughtful decisions that reflect self-monitoring as readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and active members of the classroom and school community. During the unit, learners develop a repertoire of strategies to use when making academic and social decisions in their classroom and school.

Unit 2: Our Diverse Community - Our Diverse Community encourages students to begin to see themselves in the lives and experiences of others. During the unit, children deepen their understanding of the diverse word and actively demonstrate empathy, appreciation, and acceptance in their classroom and school community.

Unit 3: Inspiring Individuals - Inspiring Individuals examines influential individuals and events. During the unit, students meet people who had the courage to make hard decisions that shaped and changed our lives. Students determine what attributes the influential individuals share and how they as students and community members are inspired to apply these qualities in their own lives.