Build a Secure Cyberspace 2013 "Be a Smart Netizen" Video Contest

發佈日期:Jun 19, 2013 5:18:3 AM

“Build a Secure Cyberspace” is an annual promotion campaign on information security jointly organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre and the Hong Kong Police Force since 2005. It aims to arouse the public awareness on information security through a series of promotional activities, including conducting thematic seminars and schools visits, distributing posters and leaflets, producing radio tips, and organising various contests.

The objective of the “Be a Smart Netizen” video contest is to promote the awareness of information security and adoption of best security practices in the community. The video should tell a story on how a smart netizen could prevent and respond to the potential

security threats to our daily lives. Examples of cases are the loss of USB flash drives leading to leakage of sensitive data, e-banking account being compromised resulting in financial loss, email account being hacked for illegal activities, enterprise website or network being attacked causing service suspension, and other Internet fraud, etc. The video should also demonstrate the countermeasures and/or best practices in defending against those security threats.

*** For more detailed information, please download the file below or visit the official website:

The award presenting ceremony was held at the public seminar of "Build a Secure Cyberspace 2013 - Protecting from Targeted Attacks" on 2 December 2013 at Hong Kong Central Library. For the information of winners, pls visit the official website: