Archive: Courses January-May 2021

Courses for Even Semester & Options* for GEC & SEC Courses for Even Semester 2021

B.A. History Honours

B.A. Honours Interdisciplinary Courses

B.A. Programme with History

B.A. Programme Interdisciplinary Course




Delhi through the ages

* Options for B.A. Honours & B.A. Programme GEC/SEC for Even Semester January-May 2021

* Options for B.A. Programme with History GEC/SEC for Semester V in 2021

LOCF B.A. Honours & B.A. Programme Courses are approved and implemented for Semester I from July 2019 onward

CBCS Revised 2016 - Choice Based Credit System (for students admitted from 2016 onward)

SEC – Skill Enhancement Course. These Courses are compulsory for students reading 'History' as Core or Discipline course

GEC – Generic Elective Course. These Courses are inter-disciplinary & offered to students reading subjects other than History as main subject

* GEC & SEC options will be offered as advised by the Department of History at the University of Delhi


Courses August-December 2020

Courses January-July 2020

Courses July-November 2019

Courses January-May 2019

Courses July-November 2018

Courses January-May 2018

Courses July-November 2017