Project 'DHYAN'

 Community Outreach Disaster Preparedness Program

Human civilization over time has witnessed diverse crisis and disasters. Though the progress in science and technology has enhanced the ability to compact the exposure and vulnerability to these crises, the millennium has arisen with a new set of crisis. This time a greater one - a planetary crisis. Unlike the previous natural cycles of warming and cooling that the earth has undergone, the current recorded rate of change is unprecedented, exceptional and threatening to the very existence of human civilization. Climatologically, the records show that in the last 130 years the world has warmed by approximately 0.85°C. As per the IPCC report of 2013, the last three decades were successively and markedly warmer than any preceding decade since 1850. More significantly, sea levels are rising, glaciers are melting, precipitation patterns are changing, and extreme weather events are becoming more intense and frequent.

It is in this context, Department of Geography, Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi launched its community outreach Program- The Project Dhyan. In the initial stages of action, Project Dhyan has taken up the vulnerabilities associated with heat wave hazard across different socio-economic-spatial pockets of Delhi for developing a plausible preparedness plan. The choice of heat wave as the focal issue for the project was considered pertinent since heat wave due to extreme temperature has emerged as the second deadliest type of disaster after floods in the world in 2019, accounting for 25% of deaths (EM-DAT, 2020). The climatological records show that Delhi experienced its highest-ever June temperature of 48°C on June 10, 2019. Moreover, May 26, 2020 recorded the highest ever May temperature of 47.6°C in last two decades. Cities like Delhi, with notable socio-economic inequalities and remarkable spatial manifestation, are likely to face disproportionate socio-spatial distribution of the impact of heat wave condition. This may result in the production of socially mediated micro-climatic scapes where certain groups, such as low-income families, women, elderly people and historically disadvantageous communities may become more vulnerable. 

Thus the Project entails mapping for mitigating the extreme heat waves in Delhi through a community-centric disaster management initiative. Moreover, Project Dhyan, also involve the advocacy component. Under which the social memories of women who had experienced climate related disasters as Survivors, Rescuers and Relief workers shall be docmented. This archives of “Her Climate Stories”- shall act as a platform for engendering climate change discourses in India and the world. Through this mission, Project uphold and advances the sustainable development goals, sustainable cities and communities (SDG-11) and Climate Action (SDG-13), Good Health and Well Being (SDG- 3) and Reduced Inequalities (SDG- 10).

Student Volunteers: 2022-23 

Project Coordinators: Mr. Balakrishnan P and Dr. Soma Sarkar 

 Activities Achievers YouTube Channel    

Archive: Student Volunteers