Other Online Trips

The following activities will lead you to other online sites. Always have your parents permission before you follow any links online or before you begin any projects at home. In fact, have your parents with you when you watch online videos in case of ads or other pop-ups for your own safety. Do not share any personal information online.

Explore the residence of our country's President from inside your own home.

Take a virtual tour of The Alamo in San Antonio Texas then research why it's an important historical place to visit.

Visit Carlsbad Caverns, Hawai'i Volcanoes, Kenai Fjords, Bryce Canyon, and the Dry Tortugas USA National Parks.

Beautiful virtual trip to Yosemite National Park. Don't get dizzy!

Amazing scenery like no other place on Earth. Take virtual tours of Yellowstone or check out the video walks!

Click your way to Paris, France and explore the Eiffel Tower.

Curious to see how a real queen lives? Check out Windsor Castle, home of the British royal family.