
2013- 2015

  1. Wetland Hydrodynamics: Experimental Hydrodynamics, Seed Grant, IIT Jodhpur


  1. Local composite geo-textile mats for soil and water conservation in Western Rajasthan, DST-SERB Projects

  2. Personal Use Facial Fit trials of reusable ceramic respirators being manufactured at Bhopalgarh for Use towards preventing spread of air borne diseases, SEG project 474, UBA scheme, IITD.

RuTAG Projects

  1. Mound based Sub-Surface Irrigation, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, RuTAG IITD Project for more read RuTAG IITD News, Vol. 9, No. 1, pg. 3, January 2021

  2. Truncated Unglazed Percolative Clay Ceramic Ware as a Modified Pitcher Irrigation System, 2020, RuTAG IITD Project for more read here