
For All Students: Please refer to Wirocomm Members

PhD Students (Graduated and Pursuing) :

Successfully defended his thesis on 10th Jan, 2018

Thesis Title: Cognitive subcarrier sharing schemes for cooperative D2D communication frameworks

Currently working as Assistant Professor, BITS Pilani-Goa campus

Successfully defended his thesis on  7th May, 2019

Thesis Title: End-to-end performance analysis of MIMO-OFDM based wireless transceivers in the presence of hardware impairments

Currently working as 5G Architect, HFCL, Gurgaon

Successfully defended her thesis on  19th Feb, 2021

Thesis TitleiDEG: Integrated Data and Energy Gathering for Wireless Systems

Currently working as  Senior System Engineer, Qualcomm, Hyderabad. 

Successfully defended her thesis on  23rd April, 2022

Thesis Title: User Mobility-Aware Device-to-Device and Aerial Communication Networks


     Currently working as  System Engineer, National Instruments, Bengaluru. 

     Successfully defended his thesis on  12th Jan, 2023

Thesis Title: Design and Performance Analysis of Indoor Visible Light Communication System Considering Human Blockages 


     Currently working as  Assistant Professor, VIT, Vellore

Successfully defended his thesis on 19th Jan, 2023

Thesis Title: Performance Analysis of Future Wireless Communication Systems under Residual Hardware Impairments 


     Currently working as  Senior Researcher, School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, Nazarbayev University

Successfully defended his thesis on Jan 2024. 

Thesis Title: An Investigation on the Performance of Hybrid Visible Light and Radio Frequency for Vehicular Communication


     Currently working as  Assistant Professor, LNMIT

Successfully defended her thesis on July 2024. 

Thesis Title: Design and Resource Optimization of Sparse Code Multiple Access- Assisted Communication Systems


     Currently working as  Post Doctoral Researcher as part of TiH IoT Fellowship. 

Thesis Title: Quality-of-Service Aware Resource Allocation for Integrated Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks


     Currently working as  Post Doctoral Researcher at University in Dublin, Ireland.