I am currently working as a Professor (ECE) and Dean (Innovation, Research and Development) in IIIT-Delhi. Before joining IIIT-Delhi I was a post doctoral researcher under Marie-Curie fellowship in ESIEE, Paris , France. I obtained my PhD while working with Centre for Infocomm Technology within the school of Electrical and electronic engineering in Nanyang technological university, Singapore in December 2011 under the supervision of Dr. See Ho Ting, Vice President, AI & Data Analytics, at Ruckus Networks, Singapore.
From Feb 2023, I am a recipient of TIH-IoT CHANAKYA Faculty Fellowship from the TiH Foundation at IIT Bombay.
My research interests are next generation communication technologies such as Visible Light Communication (VLC), hybrid RF-VLC communication, integration of optical communication with intelligent reflective surfaces (IRS) , UAV and vehicular communication.
I am also offering two NPTEL SWAYAM courses which covers the complete Wireless Communication Systems in Hindi language. The 1st one is Fundamentals of Wireless communication (Hindi). and the 2nd one is Advanced topics in Wireless Communication (Hindi). Please feel free to register, broadcast, comment and provide your feedback. Registration and content is free of cost.
For more details on our wireless communication research group (Wirocomm) in IIIT-Delhi please visit http://www.iiitd.edu.in/~wirocomm/
I am also a founding faculty member for the recently set-up 'IIIT-Delhi centre of excellence on Li-Fi". Please visit http://coelifi.iiitd.ac.in/ for more details.
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3798-7975
For Summer Internship on the topics of Visible Light Communication, 5G Wireless systems, intelligent reflective surfaces (IRS) , UAV and vehicular communication please mail me your updated CV.
Open Post-Doctoral positions for prospective candidates. For more details please refer attached. Last date of submission of the application is 9th October 2023.