Prayer for the Year of Faith, Hope, and Love

Dear God of infinite love,
You sent Jesus into the world
to bring us Your saving love,
to redeem us from sin and Evil,
and to unite us to your Divine Life.
Our Faith is in Jesus; He is our hope; and His love is our life.

Today we come to You as a community of disciples, and pray,
that our faith remains firm;
that our faith gives us hope;
and that our love bears witness to our faith.
May our faith in Jesus not be shaken by suffering;
may our hope not be shattered by discouragement;
and may our love not be muted by the injustices of the world.

Grounded in faith,
confirmed in hope,
and living in love,
may we reveal Your presence to the world.
May we think like Jesus, talk like Jesus, and act like Jesus,
and in this way,
bring faith, hope, and love to all.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

@Copyright November 2020, Fr. Satish Joseph