Class Procedures & Expectations

6th & 7th Grade Science – Mrs. Luce


  1. 3-ring binder (1” )and/or pocket folder exclusively for science

  2. a highlighter

  3. earbuds for class

  4. pencils, erasers, and a small sharpener

  5. box of colored pencils

General Information and Procedures:

  1. You need to bring your chromebook, as well as the above supplies to class everyday (especially PENCILS). We do not use a textbook so the binder/folder is VERY important and serves not only as a notebook, but will also contain supplemental material that has been given to the class. As such, this does need to be brought to class and home EVERYDAY!!

  2. You will not receive written homework every night, however, you should be reviewing notes and materials, in your binder, on a daily basis. You should spend approximately 10-20 minutes a night on this task. This should improve your comprehension of the material and prepare you for class discussions, activities, and assessments.

  3. Late assignments are only allowed to be handed in 1 day late with a 20 point penalty (no penalty for an absence).


30% quizzes/small assignments

20% homework/classwork

50% tests/projects (some projects count as quiz grades)

4. Keep your binder organized by date (oldest material on top). No binder dividers should be used.

5. Cheating will not be tolerated. Students caught trying to give or receive answers will receive an automatic ‘0’, as well as a progress report. This applies to homework, as well as tests/quizzes. Talking about a test that other students have not taken is considered cheating.

6. Progress reports will be sent home if your child is in danger of failing the class (74 (D) or below). Grades are not rounded up by decimal.

7. School Grading Scale:

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 65-69

F = 64 & below

General Class Rules:

  1. Respect to fellow students, as well as the teacher(s).

  2. Respect items/supplies in the room.

  3. Use appropriate language at all times.

  4. Be a good listener. Listen to who has the floor at the time.