Ms. Nels

Check out the blog post from Experience Cortland!


*** has JH Student Artwork:*  Click Here!

Upcoming Events:

Scholastic Art Awards: January-March

Whitney Building, OCC Campus

Youth Art Month! All March

Imagination Celebration: (Select Students)

Opening Reception March 9th, 4-7:30pm

Dowd Fine Arts Gallery, SUNY Cortland

Adventure in the Arts 3-8th grade artwork in Intermediate and Junior High Schools. June 1st, 2023 6-7pm

JH Art Club collaborating with artist and teacher Molly Reagan.  Permanent art will be displayed in school!

Students had an opening reception for their artwork in Mr. Turck's office.  Nice Job!

Ceramics Students did a Monster Mash with Elementary Students!

~Students drawing pumpkins this Fall~

My 7th grade art class completed a "Living History" project where we invited veterans into our class.  They talked about their experiences in the service and the students created projects based off of their conversations.  

Thank you for your service!