Holy Family Technology
Holy Family School is immersed in technology.
- Official Google School utilizing Google collaborative tools - 1:1 Chromebooks Grades 3 - 8
- Apple iPad for education - 1:1 iPad use Grades 1 - 2
- SmartBoard Interactive technology in every classroom
- Weekly Computer Skills classes for Pre-K3 through Grade 4 provide basic operating methods, keyboard recognition, word processing skills, beginners print media skills, internet research methods.
- Weekly Computer Science classes for Grades 5 through 8 provide beginning concepts in graphic design techniques (GIMP) , computer aided design 3D modeling (Sketchup), computer coding writing methods (Scratch & code.org) video game design (Scratch & Kodu Game Lab), audio editing (Audacity& iMovie), video editing (iMovie & Windows Movie Maker), binary concepts, computer hardware hands on repairs.
Through out our building students and teachers engage in interactive curriculum based technology learning. Teachers and students exchange thoughts and ideas on their classroom touch screen SmartBoards. Lower school students practice math, phonics, reading and science concepts on their individual iPads. Upper school students conduct research, create documents, exchange ideas and construct multimedia projects collaboratively in real time through Holy Family's Google School using their individual student Chromebooks.
The most valuable resource at Holy Family is our students. The intention of all technology in our school is to prepare our students for future careers in high school, college and beyond. Concrete and purposeful technology skills are essential as our students grow toward becoming successful members of their community.