5th Grade

The updates to the weekly assignments will be made to the Google Classroom first (code: 42kdc32) and then to this website.

6/1--Due to the popularity of the giveaway across schools, and to give everyone a chance, we are extending the deadline to this Friday. It seems the system is stopping your entries.

Please send your name, grade, and school to jkershner@holyfamilyaston.org and I will forward them on.

5/26--There are no new assignments for Technology class for this year, but I do have an end of year message for you, and my company, Education Technology Professionals is doing a giveaway. One student in grades 4 through 8 will get a Makey-Makey device.

You may watch a video with the message and giveaway announcement at: https://youtu.be/6rpgGuGg3QU

To enter to win the Makey-Makey, send your name, grade, and that you are a Holy Family student to: giveaway@educationtechpros.com

5/5--Please go to the Google Classroom and do the Python Turtle Introduction assignment. It is a video to watch and a form to fill out based on what you see in the video. It is a participation/homework grade.

The current assignments are:

  • Typing practice with a standard keyboard and without looking at your hands. This will not be graded because I cannot ensure all students have access to a keyboard at home. Typing is still an important skill to develop.
  • Coding practice at studio.code.org/s/coursee-2019. Please sign in and work through the course, at least 30 minutes each week.
  • Once you have completed the code.org Course E, click on the "Create" button in the upper right corner. In the drop down list select either "Artist" or "Dance Party."
    • If you chose "Artist", draw something interesting and with at least two layers of complexity (like an octagon made out of small squares). It must have more than two colors. It can either be a shape, or a picture of something (a house for example).
    • If you chose "Dance Party", create a dance party with at least five dancers. Three of the dancers must be doing the same dance. The other two (or more) may be doing anything they want, but it must be different. The "dance floor" must not be too cluttered or crowded. The dance moves of each dancer must be visible. Have the dancers change their dance moves based on input from the keyboard or the mouse.
    • I have added links to a couple of examples I built to give you an idea of what I expect. The artist example is more complicated than I expect yours to be. I just wanted to show you a couple of examples of the sort of thing you should do. I have also linked a video explaining the examples.
    • This project should take you about 1 1/2 hours or two to three weeks.