Expectations and Policies

Classroom Expectations

Our classroom expectations focus on the idea of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - In our classroom, we respect each other, ourselves, property, the environment, collaboration, and thoughts. In the beginning of the year, we spend time learning about and practicing these guiding principles. We refer back to them often throughout the year, and they help us build a strong classroom community.

Behaviors that do not follow our rules of "R.E.S.P.E.C.T." will be handled in the following way:

Step 1: Time to take a break and reflect

Step 2: A fix it ticket signed by student & parent (fexample)

Step 3: An email/call home or parent meeting

Homework and Grading

As 5th graders, students should be assigned no more than 50-60 minutes of homework/night between all of their classes (total). If your child is taking longer than 1 hour to complete their homework, please let me know.

Grading Percentages:

60% Major Assignments (Module Tests/Projects)

30% Minor Assignments (Quizzes/Check-Ins/Graded Classwork)

10% Academic Responsibility (Homework/Preparedness/Participation)