
Moderator ( is a Google application that allows you to do an interactive question-and-answer page on the Internet. You can check out an example of Moderator in action here, where you can check out questions and responses, or add your own!

Like the other Google applications, Moderator is linked to your Chrome account, so it remembers what you have done and saves the forums you create (along with their questions and responses).

Once you create a Moderator forum, you just share the link with others, and they can see what's there, and post their own questions and answers. (You can use to shorten the Moderator's forum address, or just paste the forum's address into an email.)

To create a forum in Moderator, go to the address at the top of this page and click on "Add a new topic..." on the left.

Users can "up-vote" questions they think are particularly important or insightful. When the forum creator edits the title of the forum, he can set a "start time" and "deadline" for questions and responses; in other words, he can limit the amount of time the forum is open for editing by other users!

When you are done with a forum, you can export the questions, answers, and names of who posted each to a spreadsheet, for easy storage and distribution.