

- try your best

- take responsibility for your actions

- be respectful

-NO HATS should be worn in school (*some special requests occasionally happen i.e. hair cuts gone wrong etc.).

-NO RUNNING in the hallways

- Keep your shoes laces tied up (and remind your friends and others too) - safety first!

-Students should not be going to their lockers in between classes (bring what you need for each block of classes).


"Homework is a planned part of the education process designed to enhance student learning, and is directly connected to The Ontario Curriculum Learning Expectations, Learning Skills, and Ministry of Education Guidelines, and the Ministry of Education Curriculum Guidelines. The Halton District School Board believes that homework provides students with opportunities to apply learning and experience necessary practice, and that it is an aid in developing life-long learning skills such as self-discipline, task commitment, time management, responsibility, independence, initiative and problem-solving. In addition, a consistent body of research reveals that regularly assigned homework, conscientiously worked on by the student, contributes to improved student achievement from Grade 6 on. Finally, homework is one means of demonstrating and building the partnership between home and school that leads to more consistent academic success."

Additionally, it's suggested that there is about an hour to an hour and a half of homework per night.

For more information, please see Homework Guidelines, found in the "Student Resources" section of the Halton District School board website.

If a student is unable to complete assignments on time, he/she MUST come see me or contact me at least 1 day in advance with a VALID reason to discuss an extension (illness notwithstanding). Forgetting work at home/school will not be considered a valid excuse!

Suggestions for what to do if there is no assigned homework or if it was completed in class:

  • Create a doodle or sketch in a sketchbook or any other paper!

  • Read! Whether it's for pleasure or for informative purposes, reading helps develop vocabulary, expand ideas, challenge one's way of thinking, etc. READ OUT LOUD to improve our oral fluency and confidence!

  • Review notes. By doing this when there isn't as much homework, you will be studying for upcoming tests/quizzes in chunks so you won't be overwhelmed and panicked the night before.

  • Organize your notes. On occasion, students may not have the right notebook for a particular class and, as a result, they may have put something in a math book that should be in a language one. By having notes together, it makes it easier to review them and prepare for assignments and evaluations.

  • Find an article in the newspaper, online that's related to a topic of study in class. How can you apply what you've learned to that article? Are there graphs that you can interpret? inferences that can be made? Are there any text-to-text, text-to-world and/or text-to-self connections that you can make? Is this something that you could share with your classmates?

If a student is unable to complete homework for a VALID reason he/she should contact Miss MacDougall prior to the due date (yes even the night before is better than the day it is due). A simple email or request on classroom homework chat for help is better than nothing! ASK MISS MACDOUGALL for help!!!!

While this webpage is intended to provide an overview of topics to be covered for a particular week, detailed upcoming homework, projects and tests are recorded in two other places: the student's agenda and the homework board. Students are expected to have their agendas (devices) filled out accurately and with some detail each day based on the information provided by their teachers and the homework board. In cases where there is no homework for a particular class, students are to indicate that it is either already completed or that there was nothing assigned. In that case, students are encouraged to read (fiction, non-fiction, newspapers, etc.), review and organize notes, make study sheets, etc. Therefore, it is best to check your child's agenda on a daily basis.


  • If a student is unable to complete assignments on time, he/she/they MUST come see his/her/their teacher at least 1 day in advance with a VALID reason to discuss an extension. - All they have to do is ask! :)

  • Forgetting work at home/school will not be considered a valid excuse! This will reflect within their Learning Skills. If they continue to forget their work, students will create a plan with the teacher in order to successfully accomplishing their assignments.

  • All assignments and homework tasks must be handed in to the teacher by the arrange due date.

  • Assignments will be marked incomplete if they are submitted beyond the arranged due date.

  • Homework completion, forgetting assignments, failure to catch up on work will be monitored and recorded by each teacher and assessed in the Learning Skills portion of the Provincial Report Card.

  • If you were away during the assignment explanation it is the student's responsibility to catch up and ask for any missed assignments so they can complete it efficiently, if they are away past the due date, there can be a compromise for the due date. All they have to do is ask!

AGENDAS will not be provided this year:

- Students are expected to record their homework on a daily basis in EVERY class (even Music. Phys. Ed. and Visual Arts). Students are encouraged to use an agenda book or a device for this. If a student is unable to get an agenda or use a device they should go see Miss. M. right away to help with this. Most due dates are posted in Google Classroom as well.

- If a student would like to use their device as their "agenda" to help organize themselves that is great if it works for them (and they have their device permission form submitted)

LOCKERS: - (NO Lockers in 2020-2021 School Year)


- The desks DO NOT BELONG to the students. Intermediate grades this year each student is expected to keep their desk neat and organized so that all their belongings stay in their student zone.

- Desks should be clear on the top at the end of each day to allow for proper cleaning every night.

BYOD: (Bring Your Own Device)

The goal with using personally-owned technology within our classroom is to promote following:

  • creativity and innovation

  • Independence and responsibility

  • communication and collaboration

  • research and information fluency

  • critical thinking, problem solving, decision making

  • digital citizenship

Please review the BYOD Device Parent Letter/Student Contract that will be sent home digitally from the school.

Looking forward to a PAWS-ITIVE school year!