*Contact Information

The school's phone number is: (905) 332-4206.

If your child is going to be absent, please let the school know:

  • School Messenger App​ (available for download from the App Store and Google Play)

  • Phone: 1-877-409-6310 (toll-free)

For school closures and other board related information please visit the Halton District School Board website at: www.hdsb.ca.

For more information on Alton Village school news please check out our website at: http://avp.hdsb.ca

The school's address is: 3290 Steeplechase Drive, Burlington, ON.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to write them in your child's communication book. Please leave the book open to the page you would like us to read.

To contact us:

Mrs. Lingard Mrs. O'Donnell

lingardl@hdsb.ca odonnellm@hdsb.ca