Personalized Learning
HCSD is transforming some classrooms by implementing a personalized learning model. The personalized learning model puts each student at the center of their own learning. Through a digital learning platform teachers are empowered to customize instruction to meet their students' individual needs and interests. Students are becoming self-directed learners while developing the habits, mindsets and behaviors that lead to academic and personal success.
Personalized learning models are organized around clear and comprehensive sets of standards for the knowledge, skills, behaviors and characteristics each student needs in order to be a self-directed learner. This type of learning empowers students to develop habits that are invaluable for college and life success.
1. Each student’s progress through the Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) is based upon demonstrating competency of all Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS).
2. Technology is incorporated into all subjects and content is delivered digitally creating a blended learning environment.
3. Each student will set learning goals, make plans to reach those goals, learn the required knowledge, apply what was learned, and self-reflect.
4. Each student is able to demonstrate competency of all standards in three distinct ways: knowing, doing and applying.
5. Students work collaboratively on rich project-based experiences to develop deeper learning skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving and communication.
6. Students work at his or her own pace and receive individual support when needed.
7. Each student receives immediate feedback to deepen his or her understanding of, and progress through, all standards.