2.1. Tues - Finding OER

Day's Objectives

  1. Where to find more OER

  2. Identify criteria for a good resource

  3. Evaluate OER using criteria

Activity: Sorting Resources By Usage Rights

  1. First, in teams, you will be sorting different types of resources into public domain, all rights reserved copyright, or Creative Commons categories.

  2. We will share our findings and discuss as a group.

Finding OER using Google Advanced Search

You can filter Google searches by usage rights in the Advanced Search mode.

Image of the Google Advanced Search usage rights drop-down menu

Mini-Lecture: Finding OER

Finding OER PRLS 2019

Open Textbook Library (Peer-reviewed textbooks)

The Open Textbook Library is a catalog of free, peer-reviewed, openly-licensed textbooks supported by the Open Textbook Network, a growing network of higher-education institutions across the U.S. supporting the adoption of open textbooks. The Open Textbook Library uses the Open Textbook Review Criteria for its textbook reviews.

Go to the Open Textbook Library and browse their catalog. Look for a peer-reviewed title, preferably in your subject area, and scan a few reviews.

Consider the following questions:

  • How helpful was the review?

  • How important is it to have peer reviews available to you?

  • Did your opinion of the textbook differ from the review?

The Open Textbook Network (OTN) promotes access, affordability, and student success through the use of open textbooks. Over 600 institutions are members. The UHCC System joined OTN in 2017.

Evaluating OER

The following sets of evaluation criteria will be used for your upcoming resource review:

  1. The Open Textbooks Review Criteria was developed at BCcampus, a major OER initiative in British Columbia, Canada.

  2. The Interactive Learning Materials Criteria was developed to evaluate materials with higher levels of student engagement than traditional textbooks.

Go to the OER Review Criteria Template to view both criteria.

Group Activity: Discuss the evaluation criteria

Consider the following questions:

  • Are the criteria relevant to your subject area or needs?

  • Does it cover all aspects of evaluating teaching materials in your area?

  • Would you add or modify the criteria in any way?

Each group will briefly summarize their discussion and present any proposals for modifying the criteria to the class.

The BCcampus also developed a faculty guide for evaluating OER in a checklist format for ease of use.

Activity: Review a textbook in the Open Textbook Library

  • Make a copy of the OER Review Template

  • Rename the document with the title of the resource and the name of the collection or repository where you discovered it.

    • Example: OER Review OpenStax Biology (OpenStax via Open Textbook Library)

  • Write your review using the evaluation criteria.

  • Save your OER review in an MS Word or Google Docs file format.

The OER Review is one of your deliverables for this workshop series.

Serving as a Steward of OER

CARE Framework for OER Stewardship

The CARE Framework is a set of four practices which embody the shared values and vision for the future of education and learning.

  • Contribute - OER stewards actively contribute to efforts, whether financially or via in-kind contributions, to advance the awareness, improvement, and distribution of OER.

  • Attribute - OER stewards practice conspicuous attribution, ensuring that all who create or remix OER are properly and clearly credited for their contributions.

  • Release - OER stewards ensure OER can be released and used beyond the course and platform in which it was created or delivered.

  • Empower - OER stewards are inclusive and strive to meet the diverse needs of all learners, including by supporting the participation of new and non-traditional voices in OER creation and adoption.

Activity: Reading and Response

Reading: Toward a Sustainable OER Ecosystem: The Case for OER Stewardship

Question: What does good stewardship of OER mean to you?

Post your response to the Slack PRLS #3-reading-response channel

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Next: Wednesday