1.1. Mon - Why OER?

Welcome PRLS!

Day's Objectives

  1. Articulate why OER is important

  2. Define open educational resources

  3. Identify resources that are openly licensed, public domain, and all rights reserved copyrighted

  4. Distinguish different types of Creative Commons licenses

Ice Breaker: Introductions

In pairs, login to the Slack PRLS. Share your Introduction post with your partner. You will have five to ten minutes to get further acquainted with your partner. Then, we will share with the larger group.

Overview PRLS 2019

Participation Guidelines

Let’s collectively build a supportive learning environment so each person is empowered and supported through the learning process. We encourage you to share your ideas, knowing that your opinions and views will be received openly and discussed respectfully. Therefore, let’s collectively develop guidelines for participation and teamwork in this workshop.


How Much Money Am I Saving My Students?

In the pre-workshop activity, you completed a form that calculated the amount of money you could potentially save students in one year by adopting no-cost resources.

Share with the group what your students’ cost savings are in a year.

Student Testimonial

Let’s hear from Christina, a past Leeward CC Student on the impact OER would have had for her.

Faculty Testimonial

Jayne Bopp, Sociology Instructor was the first at Leeward to adopt Open Educational Resources. Let's hear from her as she shares her experiences on how it has changed her teaching and impacted her students.

My Questions and Concerns about OER

In teams, you will share your questions and concerns about OER. Use this shared Google Doc to type your group's questions and concerns. Then, we will come together to discuss the results.