4.1. Thurs - Combining OERs

Day's Objectives

  1. Combine different types of Creative Commons licenses

  2. Introduction to the UH OER Repository

  3. Introduction to UH Pressbooks and Training

Mini-Lecture on the 5Rs & Combining Different Types of Creative Commons Licenses

Mini Lecture Combining Cr...ommons Licenses PRLS 2019

Activity: Combining Licenses

Faculty at Ala Ike School have found different materials with different Creative Commons licenses they would like to use. They have asked Beth, their Librarian for help in determining if they could use the materials together. Can you help Beth answer their questions?

Problem-Based Learning Activity Scenarios

Ready to Share? Welcome to the UH OER Repository

The UH OER Repository was developed to serve as a permanent location for UH faculty to upload OER to a secure location. Use the OER repository to house original and adapted or modified OER. You can upload OER as is from other repositories, too. The copy in the UH OER Repository will serve as a copy of the current version of the material that you can then link to from your course website.

All materials uploaded to the UH OER Repository must have a CC license. Non-CC licensed materials are not allowed. Do not upload material if you lack the permissions to do so.

Mini Lecture Accessibilit...nline Materials PRLS 2018

Accessibility on Online Materials

Accessibility is an important factor that we need to consider when providing course materials online. Evaluate OER with accessibility in mind. This mini-lecture on accessibility was created by Leanne Riseley, Leeward CC Educational Media Center Coordinator. She is facilitating the "Beyond Accessibility Toward Inclusivity" track at this year's PRLS.