TXT0 Infographic Stats (Accessible)

Textbook Affordability: Zero Cost Courses

Spring 2021

52% of classes are TXT0

Leeward CC is the UH leader in TXT0 classes and OER adoptions

  • Enrollment in TXT0 classes since Spring 2016 is 65,428

  • Total student savings is $6.3 million

  • 487 TXT0 classes

  • 52% total CRNs

  • 162 instructors

  • 190 courses

  • 8,141 TXT0 enrollment

  • $814,100 student savings*

  • **Estimated savings is based on an average textbook price of $100 multiplied by total enrollment in TXT0 classes.

TXT0 by Division (%)

Spring 2020

  • Social Sciences: 112 CRNs or 27.38%

  • Language Arts 93 CRNs or 22.74%

  • Math & Science 105 CRNs or 25.67%

  • Arts & Humanities 69 CRNs or 16.87%

  • Professional Arts & Technology 8 CRNs or 1.96%

  • Business Technology: 18 CRNs or 4.4%

  • Counseling: 4 CRNs or 0.98%

Fall 2020

  • Math & Science: 133 CRNs or 28.3%

  • Social Sciences: 130 CRNs or 27.66%

  • Language Arts: 107 CRNs or 22.77%

  • Arts & Humanities: 64 CRNs or 13.62%

  • Professional Arts & Technology: 17 CRNs or 3.62%

  • Business Technology: 17 CRNs or 3.62%

  • Counseling: 2 CRNs or 0.43%

Spring 2021

  • Social Sciences: 143 CRNs or 30.62%

  • Math & Science: 134 CRNs or 28.69%

  • Language Arts: 108 CRNs or 23.13%

  • Arts & Humanities: 46 CRNs or 9.85%

  • Professional Arts & Technology: 18 CRNs or 3.85%

  • Business Technology: 14 CRNs or 3%

  • Counseling: 4 CRNs or 0.86%

TXT0 Trends 2015-2021

2021: 19% increase TXT0 sections (Spring 2020 to Spring 2021)

A graph showing the historical trends for TXT0 from 2015 to 2021 with three data sets: Sections, Courses, and Instructors.


  • Fall 2015: 55 sections

  • Spring 2016: 148 sections

  • Fall 2016: 217 sections

  • Spring 2017: 279 sections

  • Fall 2017: 289 sections

  • Spring 2018: 276 sections

  • Fall 2018: 345 sections

  • Spring 2019: 361 sections

  • Fall 2019: 404 sections

  • Spring 2020: 409 sections

  • Fall 2020: 470 sections

  • Spring 2021: 487 sections


  • Fall 2015: 12 courses

  • Spring 2016: 63 courses

  • Fall 2016: 69 courses

  • Spring 2017: 111 courses

  • Fall 2017: 91 courses

  • Spring 2018: 121 courses

  • Fall 2018: 117 courses

  • Spring 2019: 141 courses

  • Fall 2019: 142 courses

  • Spring 2020: 138 courses

  • Fall 2020: 171 courses

  • Spring 2021: 190 courses


  • Fall 2015: 16 instructors

  • Spring 2016: 49 instructors

  • Fall 2016: 71 instructors

  • Spring 2017: 91 instructors

  • Fall 2017: 92 instructors

  • Spring 2018: 104 instructors

  • Fall 2018: 113 instructors

  • Spring 2019: 134 instructors

  • Fall 2019: 137 instructors

  • Spring 2020: 149 instructors

  • Fall 2020: 179 instructors

  • Spring 2021: 162 instructors

Savings by Semester

$6,362,196 cumulative student savings since 2016

A graph showing student savings from Spring 2018 to Spring 2021.

  • Spring 2018: $459,826

  • Fall 2018: $571,121

  • Spring 2019: $613,200

  • Fall 2019: $733,100

  • Spring 2020: $724,600

  • Fall 2020: $818,500

  • Spring 2021: $814,100

OER @ Leeward


Leeward Community College aims to eliminate barriers to quality higher education through the adoption of open education practices including the use of open educational resources (OER) and open pedagogy. We hope to build a local community of practice that participates in the global Open Education movement.


  • Increase student success

  • Reduce the cost of educational material for students

  • Collaborate on OER initiatives at Leeward, within the UH Community Colleges, and the UH System

  • Active participation in the larger OER community

Leeward OER website: https://sites.google.com/a/hawaii.edu/oer/