Frequently Asked Questions

What is a TXT0 class?

The TXT0 designation for a course indicates there are no costs for course materials. Course materials include textbooks, readings, or other content. A student in a TXT0 class will not be required to pay for any course materials for the class. TXT0 classes may use Open Educational Resources (OERs) only, or a combination of OERs, web resources, library resources, and faculty-authored materials that replace commercially produced textbooks, online platforms, and other fee-based course materials.

So, there is no textbook?

Not necessarily. It could be:

  • There is no required textbook for the class but course materials are no-cost and freely accessible, or

  • The textbook may be an electronic book either freely accessible on the web or available via the library.

What is the purpose behind this designation?

Commercial textbook prices have increased by 150% since 1998--three times faster than the overall Consumer Price Index over the same time period. The cost of higher education keeps increasing and one-way faculty can have a direct impact on relieving this burden on students is by eliminating textbook costs. The Open Educational Resources (OER) movement enables faculty to adopt high-quality, no-cost, openly licensed textbooks and other course materials in place of expensive commercial textbooks. The TXT0 designation gives students the ability to make informed choices that have the potential to reduce their educational costs.

Is TXT0 the same as OER?

No. TXT0 is a designation for classes that do not require students to pay for course materials. Materials in TXT0 classes can be entirely OER, include OER with other materials that are not OER but no cost to students, or use all no cost, non-OER materials. The main thing is students are not required to purchase course materials in TXT0 classes.

Who designates a class as TXT0?

Faculty are responsible for designating their classes as TXT0.

How do I designate my class TXT0?

As the instructor of the course, please notify your Division Secretary to mark your course with TXT0 attribute in Banner and add the "Textbook Cost: $0" to the SSA Text field. Please be sure to use the exact text including the spaces and punctuation.

Does anyone verify that TXT0 classes are indeed classes that do not require students to purchase textbooks and other course materials?

No. This is a voluntary designation initiated by the instructor. Instructors designating a class TXT0 are stating in writing that students will not have to purchase any course materials required for the successful completion of their class. It is the responsibility of an instructor to ensure that their class meets the definition of TXT0.

Students: If you see a course that is incorrectly labeled as a TXT0 course, please let us know by filling out our TXT0 Reporting form.

Where does the TXT0 designation appear?

The TXT0 appears under More Information in STAR GPS and "Textbook Cost: $0 appears on the class availability list website at the beginning of the Comments field for the class.

What if my course requires students to purchase equipment or supplies?

Equipment, tools, or supplies needed to apply the learning occurring in the class are not considered course materials.

Is there a list of TXT0 courses at UH?

Yes. The TXT0 course list is at

View this short video to learn how to find TXT0 classes in STAR.

Would some of these TXT0 classes still require payment for Access Codes to online learning material like homework, exercises, additional reading, MyMathLab, MyWritingLab, etc.?

No. TXT0 designated classes must use only course materials that are freely available to students from the first day of class.