ALL Program proposals are processed through Kuali at

Step 1: Discuss your program changes with your department/program faculty and counselor.

Step 2: Discuss your changes and the process with your curriculum department representative.

Step 3: Propose program changes in Kuali and submit.

Step 4: Once the proposal earns department approval it will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee. The Committee will contact you to discuss the proposal and to schedule a Curriculum Committee presentation.

Step 5: Once the proposal earns Curriculum Committee approval, it will be proposed to the Academic Senate.

Step 6: You will be required to present, explain and discuss your proposal at the Academic Senate.

Step 7: Once the proposal earns Academic Senate approval, it is forwarded to the Administration for approval (1. VCAA 2. Chancellor).

Step 8: Once Administrative approval is earned, program changes will be made in the catalog, and in STAR GPS.