Welcome to my school website. I currently serve as a 5th grade teacher, and the Dean of Students for the Lower School. Below you will find descriptions of four character development programs that I am involved in throughout the school year. Additional information and detals including a Discipline Guide can be found in the navigation menu in the upper right corner of this page.


The 5th Grade Banner is displayed in the 3rd floor hallway and reminds boys of the core values at Haverford.

Respect means to recognize and appreciate everyone and everything. Honesty means to be truthful with everyone and everything. Courage means to stand-up for what you believe in. Friendships are based on respect, honesty, and courage.

Banner Presentation - A tradition since 1992, the departing 5th grade Banner Boys pass the Banner down to rising 4th grade Banner Boys each year during Closing Exersises.


Based on Haverford’s Principles of Community, the Lower School Foundations are easy to read ideals based on respect, responsibility, and role model behavior. Each building block reminds and encourages boys to give their best effort everyday. The Foundations are posted in every classroom and grade-level pod in the Lower School.

All members of The Haverford School Community are expected to live and support our Lower School Foundations.


"The essential questions “Who am I?,” “Who are we?,” and “How are we connected?” frame the journeys that Haverford students travel on their road to character development.

A Haverford student belongs to and is responsible for a number of circles. The School builds character by creating the conditions and opportunities in which he experiences defining moments, moments of discomfort when he is challenged and stretched, when he learns something about himself and about others."


The Decision Education (DE) course for 5th grade students incorporates concepts for making good quality decisions, and introduces boys to basic leadership skills to learn more about themselves and others. Learning modules include the Strengths Explorer surveys, personal narratives, service learning opportunities, digital citizenship, human rights, health and safety, and lessons about each Decision LInk from the Decision Education Foundation. All student learning modules will be published in Canvas throughout the school year.