Frequently Asked Questions

  • My child is not in need of “Special Education”, however, I would like to discuss his/her strengths and weaknesses. Whom do I contact?

Contact the building principal and ask for an educational team meeting to discuss your child’s needs.

  • What is an IEP?

IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. An IEP is a written plan of education for a student who has a disability and is in need of specially designed instruction.

  • My child qualified for “Special Education”. Does that mean my child will be attending a special classroom?

There are two very different aspects of special education: special educational “services” and special education “placement”. Special Education services are a continuum of specially designed instruction that is provided to your child that specifically targets the individual needs of each student. The special education placement is the class (or place) where these services will be provided. The determination of “where and “when” the services occur is determined at the IEP team meeting.

  • My child was evaluated by someone not associated with the school (independent educational evaluation). How will the district use this information?

The school district may choose to consider the recommendations and information from an independent evaluator.

  • I have questions about the special education services my child is receiving. Whom should I contact?

Contact your child’s special education teacher first. The special education teacher is responsible for managing all services, modifications, and accommodations that are in your child’s current IEP.

  • I have contacted my child’s special education teacher, the building principal and Special Education Supervisor about questions I have regarding the services my child is receiving. I have additional questions. Whom can I contact?

Special Education is a federal and state supported program. At each IEP meeting you are provided with parental rights that outline supports for parents. You may request a copy of your parental rights from your child’s special education teacher.

  • What is my child has developmental delays and I want to seek services before kindergarten?

Children age three through the age of admission to kindergarten are eligible if they have developmental delays and, as a result, need special education. Screening for preschool children is available by contacting the Lincoln Intermediate Unit Central Office in New Oxford. The telephone number I 624-4616.