Academic Resource Center

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is available to all HHS students who are interested in learning study skills that will improve their academic performance. A teacher is available to meet with students by appointment to address specific concerns and provide them with research-based strategies that address their needs. Topics can include but are not limited to: self-evaluation, goal setting, time management, memory, organization, effective listening, textbook reading, note-taking, test-taking and test preparation strategies. The Academic Resource Center is located in the hallway directly across from the gym and opposite the Art Department. The ARC also offers two courses for credit.

Independent Reading And Writing Elective

CR: 1/2

Grades: 9-12

Students are offered a rare opportunity to read books of their own choosing. The expectation is that students will read 4-6 hours per week, complete at least 3 books per quarter, keep a journal, and write literary analysis papers/projects in accordance with the individualized contract developed by the student and teacher. Weekly conferences are required. Students are graded on attendance, meeting contract goals, journals, papers and projects.

Supervised Study/Study Skills

CR: 1/4 per semester

Grades: 9-10

Supervised Study/Study Skills is designed for 9th and 10th grade students who want a structured study environment during the school day. Students spend their time in class working on homework, papers, and projects. Computers are available for student use. Students have access to academic support and are encouraged to utilize resources and services throughout the school. Each student meets individually with the teacher weekly to discuss strategies for improved academic performance. Students also learn and experiment with study strategies based on the latest brain research. Some of the skill areas that are covered are goal setting, organization, time-management, memory strategies, note-taking from lectures, test preparation, textbook reading strategies, and listening skills. Students are graded on attendance and punctuality, as well as their level of commitment and productivity.

Supervised Study

CR: 1/4 per semester

Grades: 9-12

Supervised Study is designed for students who want a quiet and flexible study environment during the school day. The purpose is to help students complete homework, prepare for tests and practice time management and organizational strategies with adult feedback and guidance. These strategies may include checking in with classroom teachers, collaborating with classmates, accessing school resources, binder/backpack maintenance and other related strategies. Students are graded on punctuality and performance and will receive a pass/fail grade.