St. Anthony of Bristol

Catholic Faith Community


PO BOX 336

Bristol SD 57219

1885 -- 2019

Pastor Fr Mike Kelly

Parishioners of the greater Bristol area


As we celebrate the Eucharist here today for the last time, let us enter with full hearts into thanksgiving for the gifts of God and the grace of this holy place.


28th April 2019

Scripture: And so, I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16:18

WE ARE WHO WE ARE: We have been and we are today the Catholic Faith Community of St Anthony-Catholic, Bristol and the greater area. We’ve welcomed all with their gifts. We’ve had a wonderful expression and witness of the giftedness and talents from the Lord God. It has truly been and expression of the vision/mission of the catholic church. It has been life-giving, sacred and holy as we shared with everyone / anyone. Therefore, many have experienced the presence of God here at St Anthony parish. God has blessed the Church of St Anthony in so many ways—each parishioner a gift of God to other parishioners, to families and extended families and visitors. God must be both proud and pleased as parishioners share the gift of faith. Thank you for you. Blessings and rewards to you in your days ahead. Go with God, indeed, go with God.


When St Anthony Catholic Church was officially established in Bristol, SD in 1885, it was attended by the pastor of the Webster Catholic Parish, Msgr Mensing. This was the norm for 18 years.

In 1903, Bishop O’Gorman assigned Rev. M.S. Kane as resident priest to Bristol.

The present structure of St Anthony Church is the original church building, but has undergone several renovations through the years. Originally, the church building stood to the south of the old parish rectory. It was moved in 1953 to its present location under the direction of Fr Nally. Under Fr Nally’s administration, a rather large sacristy was built to the rear of the church and a basement hall. During the administration of Fr Fox, the interior of the church, including its sanctuary and altar, were modernized to facilitate the English liturgy. In 1962, new confessions and a “mother’s room” were constructed. The same year, an outdoor statue to the Sacred Heart was blessed (this statue is now at the Bristol cemetery, standing over four plots of land as a memorial to all St Anthony parishioners). The generosity, compassion and faith of St Anthony parish members is truly unique; it’s vibrant. St Anthony represents a parish where faith and fellowship are key—where everyone knows everyone, and makes newcomers feel welcome and part of the Eucharistic celebration. The parishioners of St Anthony and their families and extended families are truly blessed to be in such a faith-filled, caring community.


On the 24th day of June in the year of our Lord 2011 The Most Reverend Paul J Swain, Bishop of the diocese of Sioux Falls South Dakota issued this decree: Having now heard the counsel offered by the Priest Council during its meeting held on May 10, 2011, I have decided that the parishes of St Anthony, Bristol and St Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Groton will be merged to form St Elizabeth Ann Seton parish. The merger will be effective on July 1, 2011.

From 1 July 2011 until today, Saturday 27 April 2019 St Anthony Catholic Bristol has been “a chapel of ease” (canon law) of St Elizabeth Ann Seton Groton under the administrative care of Fr Mike Kelly. This closing liturgical-memorial service followed by a public reception is hosted by the St Anthony parish (altar) society and parishioners. Today, the 27th day of April 2019 is the closing/final Eucharist here at St Anthony Catholic Church. During the month of May, we will remove the sacred and secular items. During June Duerre Excavation, Inc will demolish the building.

Thank you for you and for your presence. You are appreciated. Know that we continue the faith life and the witness of Jesus Christ in the greater Bristol area and wherever God sends us. We go with the memories; with the history that has formed us into who we are. We remember that the only ones who truly know our story are the ones who help us write it. We go, serving the people of God.

Today is holy to our Lord. Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength! [Nehemiah 8:10]


God’s house is the house of God’s people!

1} The rite of blessing and sprinkling of the people with holy water with the Easter water of life is a renewal of baptism and a reminder of the sprinkling of the church at its dedication.

2} Following the prayer after Holy Communion….

Priest: Blessed are you, Emmanuel, God with us. In this place we have come to know and celebrate your love for us, your people. We trust in your providential care for us and your guidance to our true and lasting home. Be with us now and always and so we say, “Blessed be God for ever!”

People: Blessed be God for ever!

Priest: As we leave this place of worship, we give thanks to God for all the blessings we have received here.


Priest: Let us remember the baptisms celebrated here (pause to remember). We thank you and we praise you for the life of faith to all who have passed through the waters of new life at this font. Blessed be God for ever!

People: Blessed be God for ever!


Priest: Let us remember the times when we have been forgiven, comforted, consoled in the sacrament of reconciliation (pause to remember). We thank you and we praise you for the healing and reconciling love that has been given through the sacrament of penance in this church. Blessed be God for ever!

People: Blessed be God for ever!


Priest: Let us remember the generations of prayer and devotion that these sacred images have inspired (pause to remember). We thank you for inspiring in us here true devotion to: the way of the cross, Blessed Mother Mary, St Anthony and others. Blessed be God for ever!

People: Blessed be God for ever!


Priest: Let us remember the power of God’s word proclaimed here in scripture and in preaching (pause to remember). We thank you and we praise you for your holy word proclaimed here in faith and preached here in sincerity. May it echo always in our hearts. Blessed be God for ever!

People: Blessed be God for ever!


Priest: Let us remember the times we have gathered for the sacred banquet; holy week each year, the Sundays on which we worshiped faithfully, the first communion celebrations, the feast days of saints and martyrs, the marriages witnessed here, the funerals held here in hope. Let us pray (pause to remember). God our refuge, our home is in you. You are greater than any temple, church or cathedral that can be built by human hands, yet in this place we have met your divine presence. This church building has been a place of blessing for us. Protect us on our way. Lead us to a new assembly of your faithful people. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen


Priest: The life of this community will continue in another place. St Elizabeth Ann Seton—Groton, All Saints—Webster and St John Britton, receive these sacred items and more. Take them from this place as a sign that our journey of faith will continue.


People: Join in singing the recessional hymn. During the singing of the final hymn, all are invited to come forward and kiss the altar or offer a profound bow as a final gesture of leave-taking. All process out of the building.

Thanksgiving reception for everyone:

The Parish (Altar) Society and parishioners of St Anthony Church invite everyone to the parish hall downstairs for a time for sharing thoughtful words and wonderful food and drink. We appreciate your coming. Your presence added to the holiness/sacredness of this celebration. Peace be with you. God bless you, today and all days.