Parish Hall Rental

The rental form may be obtained at the parish office.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish

P.O. Box 407

Groton, SD

Phone: 605.397.2775 Email:

Rental Agreement for the Use of Parish Kitchen, Dining Room, and Classrooms

Your event will be placed on the calendar after this agreement is signed and the $50.00 deposit is submitted. This is a requirement to rent the facilities of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish.

Name of the renter: ___________________________________________________________

Mailing address of the renter: ___________________________________________________

Phone #’s: Cell: _________________________ Other: ______________________________

Email address: __________________________________________

What is the event? (please explain) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of the event: ____________________________

Time of the event: Beginning at ____________ AM or PM Ending at _____________AM or PM

Do you need time for extra set-up? Y or N If so, when? ___________________________


1. Users of the kitchen shall wash the dishes, silverware, glasses and cups, and anything else of the parish and return them to their proper places.

a. The counters are to be cleaned and floors swept to include mopping if needed.

b. If coffee makers are used, they must be cleaned.

c. The kitchen cloths and towels are to be laundered and returned within a week of the event.

d. All leftover food is to taken from the property.

2. Users of the Dining Room shall wipe off the tables and chairs, vacuum the carpet, launder and return tablecloths. Return tables and chairs to their pre-event arrangement.

3. No red juices are to be served.

4. No parish disposable supplies (paper napkins, Styrofoam plates and cups, or plastic glasses, and plastic silverware, etc.) are to be used.

5. If damage occurs, the user is responsible for the cost of the repairs. All damage should be reported to the pastor and the parish office.

6. After the event has concluded, the church, kitchen, dining room, and classroom will be inspected. IF nothing is lost or broken and IF no extra cleaning is required, the $50.00 deposit will be returned

User Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________

$50.00 deposit received: _____________ By:____________________________

Event is scheduled on the parish calendar on _______________________ by ______________________

Kitchen, Dining Room and Classroom Rental Policy

Effective August 1, 2016

The following is the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish policy for using, “renting”, the parish hall, kitchen and classrooms:

1. Contact the pastor to initiate rental. He will give you a rental agreement to be completed along with a $50 deposit.

2. After the signed agreement and deposit are received, Father will verify if your date and time are available and put your event on the calendar.

3. After the event, the church and dining room and classrooms and kitchen will be inspected. IF nothing is broke nor lost AND IF no extra cleaning is required, the $50 deposit will be returned.

Fr. Tom Hartman, Pastor

Dated 4-20-2016.


· No red juices are allowed in SEAS facility.

· The binder on top of the microwave has a map of contents of the cabinets.

· The switch for the kitchen ceiling fans is above the light switch to the right of the refrigerator, above the trash.

· The electrical panel for kitchen is behind the south door going into the dining hall.

· Users of the kitchen will wash dishes and return dishes to proper places, clean counters, sweep floor, wash and return kitchen cloths and towels, and take home leftover food.

· Users of the dining room will wipe off tables and chairs, vacuum carpet, and return the tables and chairs to the pre-event arrangement.

· Garbage bags are to be put at west entrance just outside kitchen door. If possible, it is preferred for you to please take garbage to the dumpster, as city-wide garbage pickup is only on Tuesdays.

· Leave a note on the white board for any supplies needed or contact Altar Society chair persons.

Please inform the pastor or the parish office (397-2775) of damage or if repairs are needed

· Inform cleaning personnel of specific cleaning needed.