All About Ms. Ann

Ann Titcomb (better known to everyone as "Ms. Ann") has been with the district for over 30 years. Twenty of those years have been here at Stone Academy. This is our sixth year together as a team and I couldn't be more excited! I have never seen ANYONE with a passion for books and for teaching children to read like Ms. Ann. She is AMAZING!

Ms. Ann has two children and three beautiful granddaughters. According to Ms. Ann, her favorites include "reading with my granddaughters, gardening, sunsets, long walks on the beach and my job.":-)

Your children are beyond lucky to get to spend a year with this caring, hardworking lady. She makes it her personal goal to form a positive relationship and bond with each child, ensuring a successful and productive year for all.


Ms. Ann and her beautiful granddaughters :-)

Ms. Ann LOVES her family :-)