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Cameron's Collection - Supporting Teen Mental Health and Wellness

Privately access Cameron's Collection here - An ebook collection of over 50 titles related to sensitive teen issues including anxiety and depression

Cameron Gallagher was a bright and talented young girl battling depression and anxiety whose dream was to raise awareness and help erase the stigma about the topic. At the tender age of 16, she suddenly passed away from an undiagnosed heart condition. Her legacy and efforts live on through the CKG Foundation and its nationwide "SpeakUp" 5k races, which raise awareness and provide resources to teens who suffer from depression and anxiety.

To support Cameron's dream, Gale created Cameron's Collection to ensure schools and public libraries are equipped with the educational resources to help struggling teens. Additionally, Gale will donate a portion of the proceeds from each collection sold to the CKG Foundation to further support their education and awareness of teen mental health and wellness.

*find a trusted adult for help if you are depressed or in danger