Upgrading Greenplum Chorus
Upgrading to Greenplum Chorus 2.4
To upgrade to Chorus 2.4 from 2.1, you must first upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2, and then upgrade from 2.2 to 2.4. Similarly, to upgrade from Chorus 2.0 to 2.4, you must first upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1, then upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2, and finally upgrade from 2.2 to 2.4.
Prepare for upgrade
1. Back up any previous installations of Greenplum Chorus 2.2 or 2.3 before you begin the upgrade process. Refer to the Greenplum 2.x Installation Guide for 2.x
backup instructions.
2. Go to the EMC Download Center to download the Greenplum Chorus installation package. The package will be in the form greenplum-chorus-<build number>-<sha>.zip where sha is a hash that maps to a specific code commit. For example, for the first release of Chorus 2.4 the file is greenplum-chorus-
3. Put the installation package in a folder where the user chorus has write privileges. In the case of an install on the DCA standby master or DCA (UAP Edition) DIA module this folder should be in the /home/chorus directory.
4. Run MD5 on the binary. This generates a string which you can compare to the value listed on Support Zone in order to verify that you have downloaded the
correct file. For example, run # md5sum ~/greenplum-chorus- MD5 greenplum-chorus-
You can compare 935d82688591bf0e6f0ba05dc5837fd3 with the value listed on Support Zone. If the values match, you have downloaded the correct file.
5. Log in as chorus. Since the software can only be upgraded by the user who has the privileges to start and stop the system, you must log in as chorus
6. Go to the existing chorus install directory and source chorus_path.sh. For example:
$ cd /usr/local/greenplum-chorus
$ source chorus_path.sh
Run the upgrade
1. You must unzip the installation package
greenplum-chorus- to obtain
greenplum-chorus- This file is a
self-extracting script that contains the following components:
• Chorus code
• PostgreSQL database package
Log in as root and run:
# chmod +x ~/greenplum-chorus-
Running this command gives you binary execution privileges.
2. Log in as chorus and run the installer with this command:
$ ./greenplum-chorus-
3. The installer may ask for an installation directory. Enter the install directory for the 2.2 or 2.3 installation.
4. Type y to accept the license agreement; otherwise the installer will exit.
5. When finished, the installer exits.
6. Prior to starting the Chorus server, you should review the contents of the chorus.properties file. See Chapter 3, “Configuring Greenplum Chorus 2.4”.
Also, Greenplum recommends that Chorus is configured with an ssl certificate (see “To generate an SSL certificate with OpenSSL” ).
7. To start the Chorus server, do the following as user chorus:
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-chorus/chorus_path.sh
$ chorus_control.sh start
To verify your Greenplum Chorus installation
Make sure your external network can use Greenplum Chorus with these steps.
1. From an external server, log into Greenplum Chorus:
http://<external IP address smdw>:8080 (DCA installation)
http://<external IP address>:8080 (non-DCA installation)
2. Log in with an existing Chorus user.
3. Ensure Greenplum Chorus loads in the browser.
Important: After installing Chorus and verifying the installation, you should set up a daily backup.
Starting and Stopping Greenplum Chorus 2.4
1. Log in as user, chorus.
Important: You should not perform these tasks as root.
2. Run the commands to perform each of the following tasks.
To start Greenplum Chorus
$ cd <chorus install path>
$ source chorus_path.sh
$ chorus_control.sh start
To stop Greenplum Chorus
$ cd <chorus install path>
$ source chorus_path.sh
$ chorus_control.sh stop
To restart Greenplum Chorus
$ cd <chorus install path>
$ source chorus_path.sh
$ chorus_control.sh restart
To monitor Greenplum Chorus
Monitoring consists of checking that all chorus processes are running and restarting any processes that are down.
$ cd <chorus install path>
$ source chorus_path.sh
$ chorus_control.sh monitor
To backup Chorus data
$ cd <chorus install path>
$ source chorus_path.sh
$ chorus_control.sh backup [-d dir] [-r days]
where -d supplies the directory for the backup and -r specifies how many days of backup files should be kept in the backup directory. Files more than r days old will
be removed.
Important: Greenplum recommends running a cron job to backup chorus at least daily.
To start/stop/restart individual Greenplum Chorus services only
Chorus consists of five services: postgres, workers, scheduler, solr, and webserver. The start, stop, restart, and monitor commands apply to all services at once.
For example,
chorus_control.sh start starts all services.
You can also start, stop, restart, and monitor individual services, as follows:
chorus_control.sh start <service_name>
chorus_control.sh stop <service_name>
chorus_control.sh restart <service_name>
chorus_control.sh monitor <service_name>
where service_name is the name of one of the five individual services.