Greenplum Command Center creates the gpmetrics schema in the Greenplum Database gpperfmon to save alert rules and logs, and historical metrics collected by the Greenplum Database metrics collection system.
The gpmetrics schema contains the following tables and user-defined functions:
gpcc_alert_rule — saves alert rules configured on the Command Center Admin> Alerts page.
gpcc_alert_history — records an event when an alert rule is triggered.
gpcc_database_history — saves summary query activity information.
gpcc_department — saves department information.
gpcc_role_department — saves information about roles within a department.
gpcc_disk_history — saves disk usage statistics for each Greenplum Database host file system.
gpcc_export_log — saves the log notifications from every "EXPORT ALL" user action.
gpcc_pg_log_history — saves history from the Greenplum Database pg_log log file.
gpcc_plannode_history — saves plan node execution statistics for completed queries.
gpcc_queries_history — saves execution metrics for completed Greenplum Database queries.
gpcc_queries_now — saves real-time query metrics data.
gpcc_resgroup_history — saves the history of the resource consumption of each resource group on each segment.
gpcc_scan_history — saves history for Recommendations scans.
gpcc_schedule — saves schedule for Recommendations scans.
gpcc_system_history — saves system metrics sampled from Greenplum Database segments hosts.
gpcc_table_info — saves current statistics and size information for tables.
gpcc_table_info_history — saves daily statistics and size information for tables.
gpcc_wlm_rule — saves workload management rules.
gpcc_wlm_log_history — saves the log history of workload management rule actions.
User-Defined Functions
gpcc_delete_department — deletes a department.
gpcc_queries_per_hour — returns a variety of details about query activity per hour.
gpcc_queries_per_user — returns, for each user, the number of queries whose runtime is longer than the input interval, per hour, in the specified time range.
gpcc_queries_per_user_max_and_total_spill_size — returns, for each user, the total spill_size and maximum spill_size per query per hour.
gpcc_queries_per_user_max_cpu — returns, for each user, the query with the maximum segment and master cpu usage per hour, along with details about the query.
gpcc_queries_per_user_max_run_time — returns, for each user, the longest running query per hour, along with details about the query.
gpcc_queries_per_user_max_skew — returns, for each user, the query with the maximum amount of processing skew in the system (skew_cpu) per hour, along with details about the query.
gpcc_queries_per_user_rows_out — returns, for each user, the query with the maximum rows_out per hour, along with details about the query.
gpcc_system_per_hour — returns a variety of system information.
gpcc_update_department — renames a department.