Math at Work 11
Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the course outline or download it.
Below is a homework/announcement calendar. You can also view the same calendar in Google Classroom.
Math 11 at Work (C block)
Teacher: Mr. Ayoub
Room: 223C
Google Classroom C block access code: ouio7of
Textbook: Math at Work 11, McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Website: There are a number of very useful links on my website/google classroom/student portal to assist you as a student. Students should confirm attendance and marks regularly.
Schoolwork: Come prepared to class. This means bring a binder for assigned work and class notes, loose-leaf, erasers, pencils and scientific calculator. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to catch up on any missed work. Check Google Classroom, ask classmates for notes, and see your teacher to get any handouts.
Statement: As a math teacher at Halifax West, it is my intent to create a safe learning environment that is inclusive of all. My aim is to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity. If at any time you feel disrespected in any way, please have a conversation with me and I will do my best to address your concerns.
Course Overview:
24 % UNIT 1 -Measurement (Surface Area ch. 1, Volume ch. 3) (30% of Term Mark)
20 % UNIT 2 - Numbers (Banking & Budgeting ch. 5) (25% of Term Mark)
20 % UNIT 3 - Geometry (Trigonometry ch. 7) (25% of Term Mark)
16 % UNIT 4 - Algebra (Slope ch. 6) (20% of Term Mark)
20 % Formal Assessment
Final Assessment: The final assessment will be based on the entire semester and is worth 20% of the final grade. It will be written at the end of the semester. Notes are permitted.
Tests: Tests are major assessments and will be announced several days in advance. Expect tests to be cumulative throughout the year. Students can use one page (double sided) of written notes (not printed or photo-copied) during this type of formal assessment which is to be submitted with their test.
Quizzes: Quizzes provide opportunities to assess ongoing progress and give indications as to whether extra help is needed. Quizzes are generally short and will be announced in advance. Notes are permitted.
Assignments: Assignments will be given and graded on a regular basis. Submissions will not be accepted after the corrected assignments have been handed back to students. Notes are permitted
Homework Probes: Homework probes are unannounced short evaluations based on recent work. Students must be sure to keep up with their work on a daily basis and come in for extra help when needed. Notes are permitted.
Math 11 at Work (D block)
Teacher: Mr. Ayoub
Room: C240
Google Classroom D block access code: 442c6q3
Textbook: Math at Work 11, McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Website: There are a number of very useful links on my website/google classroom/student portal to assist you as a student. Students should confirm attendance and marks regularly.
Schoolwork: Come prepared to class. This means bring a binder for assigned work and class notes, loose-leaf, erasers, pencils and scientific calculator. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to catch up on any missed work. Check Google Classroom, ask classmates for notes, and see your teacher to get any handouts.
Statement: As a math teacher at Halifax West, it is my intent to create a safe learning environment that is inclusive of all. My aim is to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity. If at any time you feel disrespected in any way, please have a conversation with me and I will do my best to address your concerns.
Course Overview:
24 % UNIT 1 -Measurement (Surface Area ch. 1, Volume ch. 3) (30% of Term Mark)
20 % UNIT 2 - Numbers (Banking & Budgeting ch. 5) (25% of Term Mark)
20 % UNIT 3 - Geometry (Trigonometry ch. 7) (25% of Term Mark)
16 % UNIT 4 - Algebra (Slope ch. 6) (20% of Term Mark)
20 % Formal Assessment
Final Assessment: The final assessment will be based on the entire semester and is worth 20% of the final grade. It will be written at the end of the semester. Notes are permitted.
Tests: Tests are major assessments and will be announced several days in advance. Expect tests to be cumulative throughout the year. Students can use one page (double sided) of written notes (not printed or photo-copied) during this type of formal assessment which is to be submitted with their test.
Quizzes: Quizzes provide opportunities to assess ongoing progress and give indications as to whether extra help is needed. Quizzes are generally short and will be announced in advance. Notes are permitted.
Assignments: Assignments will be given and graded on a regular basis. Submissions will not be accepted after the corrected assignments have been handed back to students. Notes are permitted
Homework Probes: Homework probes are unannounced short evaluations based on recent work. Students must be sure to keep up with their work on a daily basis and come in for extra help when needed. Notes are permitted.