Student Council


Every year, students at Memorial Composite High School have the opportunity to participate in student council. This provides students a chance to have a meaningful voice in many of the aspects of school life. We feel the experiences gained in these leadership roles will contribute to the development of good citizenship skills as well as a positive self esteem.

Since the students are in a role model position within the school community they must be willing to follow all school rules and behaviour expectations. The following are a few that you should be aware of.

* All students in an executive position (Co-Presidents, vice presidents, etc.) must be of good academic standing. If a student does not maintain his/her academics they will be placed on probation for one term and maybe asked to resign if their marks don’t improve.

*Any student who is in an executive position, and who does not meet the standards of behaviour that are outlined in the student agenda will be told to leave their position.

*All class representatives will be expected to attend council meetings once a month; if they do not attend they must make arrangements with their alternate to attend. If they miss more than two meetings they will be asked to give their position to the alternate.

*All members of the council are encouraged to attend school functions and positively encourage other students to do the same.

*The Co-Presidents will be expected to attend and participate on the school advisory council.

*All members are asked to volunteer at school functions and assemblies and all members who attend are expected to help clean-up afterwards.

*Most importantly, we want all members to have a positive experience on council and to take from it all the experiences you can.

We are here to support your ideas and to guide you in decision making. We are looking forward to working with you and being part of another successful year at MCHS.