Students and Families

Paper picture orders going through the school for the original photo sessions are due Wednesday, November 2nd. Photos can also be ordered online.

See details below for retakes.

Grade 4 Students' Families received English Language Arts and Math Nova Scotia Assessments results via "EduPost" today. Check your emails!

Ferrisview Elementary School

Principal: Janet Briggs Vice-Principal: Neeta Kumar-Britten

Tel: (902) 794-7137 Fax : (902) 794-6237

83 Archibald Ave.

North Sydney, N.S.

B2A 2W9

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s):

Head lice have been identified at Ferrisview. Head lice and nits commonly occur in students of this age. While Ferrisview staff will be vigilant in watching for new cases, please do your part to prevent the spread of this communicable condition by checking your child(ren) daily for the next few weeks and on a regular basis thereafter.

Coordinating efforts between school and home significantly reduces the frequency of lice and nit occurrences and we thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Please review the attached information from Nova Scotia Public Health regarding the prevention and treatment of head lice and contact me at the email or phone number below if you have any additional questions or concerns.


Janet Briggs

Janet Briggs, Principal


Phone 902-794-7137

Under the Education Act, parents may provide a home education program for their child(ren) centered in their home.

This Website contains information on home schooling in the Province of Nova Scotia.

Check out Information on Important programming from the Cape Breton Family Place Resource Centre.

Registration for Primary and Pre-Primary


Registration for Primary and Pre-Primary will take place online January 25-30th. Children registering for Pre-Primary must be 4 years old by December 31st, 2021. Children registering for Primary must be 5 years old by December 31st, 2021. To register your child you must upload a birth certificate, health card, any legal documents related to custody arrangements, if applicable, and two items as proof of residency as noted on the site.

To register your child please visit and look under the Parent/Guardian heading for registration forms. If your child is already enrolled in Pre-Primary this year, there is no need to register them for Primary. They will automatically roll into Grade Primary next year.

We look forward to meeting your child in September!

Attention: Parents/Guardians of Grade 3 students


Dear Guardian,

Over the next few weeks, your child will be receiving lessons in class introducing them to the idea of Growth Mindset. When building a Growth Mindset, students learn that the amount of effort they put into a task and the attitudes they hold contribute to the success they experience. They will learn that “smart” is not something that they have or do not have, but something that develops through working hard, struggling, and even making mistakes. Through activities and discussion, students will also learn to focus on their strengths and how to handle frustration.

Lessons will be delivered once weekly for approximately four to five weeks beginning this week. Each lesson will be approximately half an hour, and will be delivered by me in class. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by phone or email.


Beth MacDonald, M.A.

Registered Psychologist
