Cape Smokey By Laws (2020-2021)
Cape Smokey Elementary School - SAC Bylaws
39 Brandon Lane, P.O. Box 269, Ingonish, Nova Scotia B0C 1K0
Phone: (902) 285-2638
The Cape Smokey Elementary School Advisory Council will have five (5) voting members which shall include:
two parents/guardians (which includes one Home & School parent representative),
one NSTU representative
one CUPE representative
one community member
and the principal.
The principal is a permanent, non-voting member.
Eligibility for Membership
Must have a child at Cape Smokey Elementary School. If a parent representative is in a two year position but their child is no longer a student at Cape Smokey Elementary then the parent’s term ends when their child is no longer in attendance at Cape Smokey Elementary. A parent representative cannot be an employee of Cape Smokey Elementary . the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional Centre for Education.
NSTU Representative
Must be a teacher on staff at Cape Smokey Elementary School
CUPE Support Staff
May be on the support staff at Cape Smokey Elementary School (secretary, teacher assistants, LBG, caretakers, bus drivers) or may be an active substitute CUPE support member.
Community Members
Must not be employees of Cape Smokey Elementary
Must not have children registered at Cape Smokey Elementary
Must reside in the geographical area served by Cape Smokey Elementary School or provide a service to or within the geographical area served by Cape Smokey Elementary School.
Elections will be held in September or October and are usually by secret ballot. Scheduled elections may be held during Meet the Teacher or may be another school gathering. Appointments of community members may occur prior to the October meeting.
A call for nominations may be made during the first two weeks of September through the CB-VRCE website, newsletters sent home with children, Home and School Volunteer Group and/or Cape Smokey Facebook Group, with a meeting designated for voting in late September or October. Nominations will close one week prior to a duly advertised voting meeting. Nominations will be received by the school principal and forwarded to the school advisory council chair. Election will be by a simple majority vote of eligible parents/ guardians at a designated voting meeting. Eligible parents/guardians are those who have children enrolled at Cape Smokey Elementary School. In the event of a tie, a run-off election will be organized.
Teachers and Support Staff
Teachers and support staff may elect their own representatives in September by the method of their choice.
Community member
The community member may be appointed to the school advisory council by the SAC prior to the October meeting so that the executive can be selected. The position may be advertised on the school website and may be advertised in the local area. All applicants may be asked to submit, in writing, a brief resume and a letter which explains why the applicant is interested in being on the school advisory council.
Terms of Service
Terms of Service for each Representative Group are the following:
Parents/guardians are elected for a term of two years. Parents/guardians elected or appointed to fill a vacancy are elected or appointed for the remainder of the term.
Teachers and support staff are chosen from their respective group for a term of two years. Teachers and support staff elected or appointed to fill a vacancy are elected or appointed for the remainder of the term.
Community member is appointed for a term of two years. Community members appointed to fill a vacancy are appointed for the remainder of the term.
The principal position is permanent.
Should a vacancy arise, it will be addressed as follows:
Vacancies on the SAC will be filled from the relevant membership group.
Vacancies of less than six months may be filled by school advisory council appointment.
Vacancies of longer than six months will be filled according to the by-laws governing elections or appointment of the appropriate membership groups to fill the remainder of the vacated term.
The executive will consist of a chair, vice chair, secretary, and principal. The selection of the chair, vice chair and secretary will be done annually at the October/November meeting. The chair, vice chair and secretary will be selected from those school advisory council members other than the principal. The executive positions may be for two year terms.
Agenda and Meeting Summary
The chair will draw up the meeting agenda in consultation with the principal five days prior to each meeting. Copies of the agenda may be distributed to each member by email, along with any other information that is relevant to the agenda items. Agendas from each meeting will be kept in Cape Smokey Elementary School‘s records, in either print or electronic format. Agendas will be made available to the public upon request and may be posted on the school website.
The secretary will prepare minutes for each school advisory council meeting. Once approved at the subsequent meeting, the minutes will be given to the principal of Cape Smokey Elementary School to be included in the school record in either print or electronic format. Minutes will be made available to the public upon request and may be posted on the school website.
Meetings will be conducted according to the following guidelines:
Meetings will take place four (4) times per year.
School advisory council meetings will not be scheduled during July and August.
Members of the public who wish to address the school advisory council are asked to inform the SAC through the chair or the school principal in writing at least one week prior to the school advisory council meeting. They may address the meeting at the discretion of the chair.
Members who are not able to attend a meeting will notify the school advisory council secretary or the school advisory council chair by noon of the meeting date.
Any member absent without cause for three consecutive meetings will be considered to have vacated their position. Vacancies will be filled as per these by-laws.
A quorum will be established when the meeting is called to order. A quorum will consist of a minimum of three of the SAC voting members present.
In addition, the principal shall be present.
Decision-making Process
The following principles and procedures will be used in making decisions.
All council members are responsible for making decisions that ensure the best education possible for our students.
All council members will have the opportunity to participate in decision-making.
Council decisions will be by consensus whenever possible.
Agenda items will be discussed in a structured way prior to a decision.
When background information is needed on an agenda item, the principal or other relevant person, will provide council members with that information and the time required to review it in advance of a decision.
Whenever possible, decisions will be made by consensus.
If consensus cannot be reached, the decision may be delayed until the following meeting or another rescheduled meeting in a timely fashion. If at that time consensus cannot be reached, a majority vote will be required of those members present.
Decisions and recommendations will be recorded in the minutes of meetings.
School Improvement Plan and Annual Report
The school improvement plan and annual report for Cape Smokey Elementary will be developed by the principal and staff of the school in partnership with the School Advisory Council. The school improvement plan will be submitted to CB-VRCE. The annual report may be presented at the last meeting of the year for SAC. This report will be submitted to CB-VRCE by the end of June. The school improvement plan will be a standing agenda item at each SAC meeting.
In addition, in accordance with the terms of the SAC agreement, the SAC will determine the priorities for spending the funds allocated to support the mandate of the SAC including student achievement and report annually on the expenditures of the funds to the CBV-RCE.
The SAC will prepare an annual report in the form and will contain the information determined by the Minister. The report shall be presented in the spring to the SAC members and then submitted to the regional center for education by the end of June.
Adopting and Amending By-laws
A notice of motion, given one meeting in advance, is required to amend the by-laws. By-laws will be amended following the established decision-making process. The proposed amendments to the by-laws will be forwarded to the CB-VRCE for approval. The amendments become effective upon receipt of this approval.
Parties to the agreement
We, the undersigned, understand and agree to follow these bylaws.
______________________________________ _______________________
Cape Smokey Elementary SAC Chair Date
______________________________________ _______________________
CB-VRCE Regional Executive Director of Education Date
Position Name Term
Principal Ruth Shore 2023
Parent Chelsa MacDonald (Chair) 2023
Parent (H&S) Tammy Westhaver (Vice Chair) 2021
NSTU Vacant 2023
CUPE Tara Williams 2023
Community Faye Fricker 2021