SAC Notes March 2023

Call the Meeting to Order

Meeting was called to order at 2:30.


Cathy Breen – Principal

Amy MacKinnon – Parent

Pat Muise – NSTU

Michelle Comeau – Staff


Dave Toope

Jason Leopold – Moved out of the area

Crissy Richardson

EN and OS

Review of the Agenda

Moved by Amy, seconded by Pat.

Roles and Membership

We reviewed our membership as we had challenges having meetings due to not having a quorum. We decided that will continue to have our monthly meetings regardless of attendance and if a motion is put forward we will not be able to approve motions until we have approval or non- approval from a quorum.

Jason Leopold has moved out of the area and Ryan Ash our Liaison officer has expressed interest in replacing him on our SAC.

Amy put forth the motion to approve this and Pat seconded the motion.

Old Business

Quebec Trip-

Students were issued a travel voucher in 2021 and this trip was not able to happen. During that year, SAC had funds to spend and issued a bursary to the Grads affected that year. There was one student in that cohort that did not continue on at that time to post-secondary. The SAC agreed that IF approved by the TCRCE that this be available only until June 2023.

Moved by Amy, Seconded by Pat.

New Business

Audit Committee-

Will have our audit committee meeting on April 4th immediately following the SAC meeting.

Cafeteria Report-

We are getting back on track after the impacts covid had on the financial impacts on our operations.

Currently the Food and Nutrition Policy is under review and the Department will be requesting feedback and input from our school SAC.

We have also been asked to participate in a pilot involving fresh fruit bowl options to be available daily to students. We are excited to be able to participate in this pilot starting after the break.

One of the coolers has been not working properly. This is a concern for food safety. A new one has been ordered and we will cost share with operations to replace this.

Covid 19- Return to school plan/Community Use of Schools Agreement

Things are going well in regards to getting back on track with routines. Test kits are readily available for families at their request.

Currently the TCRCE is working with Rec Departments to create a consistent Community Use of School Agreement. It is nice to see the facility being used for community recreational activities. Our local Rec Department have been great to deal with in regards to some of the issues regarding weekend use that we have been navigating through. They have hired a person to grant access, manage the door and provide building security during events scheduled on the weekends.

Principals Report

Swing- currently on order, arrival was scheduled for spring. Cathy will ask Kevin Holland for an update as the SAC agreed to pay for the ground prep and installation of this. These funds will need to be spent by the end of the year. If it is not going to be arriving in time, the SAC will

purchase 2 detectors for the bathrooms in place of this.

Motion was put forth by Amy and Seconded by Pat. Cathy will reach out for approval from a community member before this motion is carried.

Camera system- Cathy inquired with operations about getting 3 cameras added. An update will be provided at the next SAC meeting.

Free Store

Partnership with Our House is going well. We continue to restock as necessary. A request to use surplus SAC funds to support this if available. Moved by Amy, seconded by Pat, and Cathy will reach out to a community representative before passing the motion.

Work Experience Credit

Going very well, students are able to complete two credits at the grade 11 and 12 levels. We continue to have students out on work permits, usually the first two weeks of lobstering in addition to this. Cathy also reported that students not in 02 are also afforded the non-02 coop credit opportunity.

Water Update

Currently we are still not able to consume the water. We will continue to provide bottled water in each wing and the cafeteria until further notice.

Student Council Report

Not available

Next meeting

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023



It was moved by Amy and Seconded by Pat that the meeting be adjourned at 3:26pm.