School Counselling (Guidance) services

Your School Counsellor is Melanie d'Entremont. The school counsellor can provide students with social/emotional, academic, and behvioural supports. All students can access school counselling services to assist with personal well-being by speaking directly with Mrs. d'Entremont or by asking teachers or other school staff for a referral for services. 

As always, the School Counsellor seeks to assist students with their plans for post-secondary education. While all senior high students should attempt to include their future plans in their choice of courses, their extracurricular activities, and their community involvement, we encourage Grade 12's in particular to be strongly involved in that senior year with investigating every aspect of post-secondary planning.

The Guidance Office reading room is a source of information on universities, community colleges, and private locations.

The links at the left offer a beginning point for much of the information you might need. Set off on your journey!

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Early application is needed for some Community College programs--

if you are planning on applying next year, for some programs, you should investigate and apply soon. Click here for further information.

Shortcut Links to: Scholarships/Awards --/-- News

There is information for the Shad Valley Enrichment Program. Click here for this information

Check out your instructions for applying to Universities, Colleges, and Private Institutions ----- Click HERE