Cancelling Contract Would Save Millions Compared to the Incinerator
Post date: Jan 20, 2015 10:37:28 PM
GlosVAIN has slammed the press statement released by the County Conservatives as a desperate attempt to block the critical mass now gathered behind the “Scrap the Incinerator Contract” campaign, backed by GlosVAIN and a the majority of opposition county councillors.
“It is a wildly inaccurate press statement from panicking politicians who are afraid to confront how the economics of the Javelin Park incinerator have changed since the inception of this project,” said Sue Oppenheimer, GlosVAIN’s chair.
The Conservative group at County Council has released a claim that the cost of cancelling the incinerator contract would be up to £100m. They say it would be a "catastrophe" to cancel.
THIS COULDN'T BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH...We estimate that scrapping the contract and using alternative waste facilities in Gloucestershire or in neighbouring counties could save between £232m and £364m MORE over 25 years than the incinerator is predicted to save.
READ OUR FULL PRESS RELEASE issued on 20th Jan 2015.
We're sure you'll agree that, sadly, the County Conservative Group is taking Gloucestershire's residents for a ride..
Press coverage of the claimed £100m contract cancellation cost can be read below: