Day 12 - 14th January 2014 - Interested Parties Session
Post date: Jan 15, 2014 7:54:59 AM
This was the day for the individuals and interested parties to have their say! David Drew started off first with a scathing attack on the proposal as a whole with special mention of the lorry ban on the B4008 which is never enforced because it can’t be policed. A list of objectors followed with Venk Shenoi giving the impression in his somewhat unclear presentation that we should only have one black bag – no recycling – and then incinerate the lot because it was cheaper for the Council to do that than pay for separate collections. Not too sure about that in 2014!!!
Peter Adams and Alice Ross both gave great readings of satirical poems and the two Members of Parliament present both spoke out against the proposal although the presentation from Martin Horwood was the more robust of the two, however Neil Carmichael maintained his objection on the grounds of visual impact and the proximity of the lodge to the site
The best quote of the day had to belong to Mike O’Dowd who stated that the square shape of the proposed incinerator would look really good from a satellite!
Solid presentations came from a number of others including several GlosVAIN members and all in all it was a very informative day which proves that many of the objectors know their subject in very great depth and put together the presentations must have given a great deal for the Inspector to mull over during the coming weeks!
Copies of the statements made by those that spoke at the Interested Parties session can be accessed below.