Nutmeg Book Awards

Nutmeg Books

Grade four and five students are invited to read all 10 books that have been nominated not only by teachers and librarians, but by students as well. Each year we purchase multiple copies of Nutmeg nominees for library borrowing. These books are also available at Welles-Turner and other public libraries.

Nayaug Nutmeg Book Celebration

In April students across Connecticut will cast votes for their favorite Nutmeg book. Students who have read all titles by April will be invited to the Nayaug Nutmeg Book Celebration.

Check out the latest titles for Elementary and Intermediate readers by clicking on the Elementary or Intermediate List link!

Grade 4 and 5 Students: Click on the ballot above to vote!

2022 Nutmeg Nominees

Grades 2-3

2022 Nutmeg Nominees

Grades 4-6

Additional Nutmeg Resources

Past and Present Nutmeg Books Discussion Guides

Intermediate Nutmegs 2021-2022
View book trailers and author chats on this interactive site.

Intermediate Nutmeg 2017-2018 resource

Click on this link to a Padlet with summaries and book trailers.

Intermediate Nutmegs 2016-2017

Click on the above to view book trailers and links to author websites from this interactive Nutmeg page.

Intermediate Nutmegs 2015-2016

View book trailers and links to author websites from this interactive page

Intermediate Nutmegs 2014-2015

View book trailers and link to author websites from this interactive page