Naubuc School Backpack Program

The purpose of the Naubuc Backpack Food Program is to fill the nutritional gap between school and home for those Naubuc students who qualify for free meals at school and who may have limited access to food on the weekends.

About the Program 

As you may know, hunger among school-aged children is on the rise in Connecticut, even among wealthy communities. Childhood hunger and poor nutrition directly impacts health, education, and performance in school. The Naubuc Backpack Program is designed to reduce hunger, encourage healthy eating, and enhance students’ preparedness for learning.

How it Works

Every Friday, backpacks containing a variety of healthy snacks that are kid-friendly and easy to open are discreetly distributed to qualifying children by the school nurse.. The backpacks are returned to the Health Office the following Monday, so that they may be refilled for the following Friday. 

Qualifying families (who are receiving free meals at school) are contacted by the School Food Services Department, which maintains family confidentiality. Those parents/guardians who wish to participate in the backpack program, complete a consent form and return it to the Naubuc Health Office. 

The Naubuc Backpack Program was initially funded through a generous grant from the Glastonbury Education Foundation. Backpacks are provided through the generosity of the Hartwell Soccer Club. The cost of filling a backpack with nutritious, ‘kid-friendly’ snack is $2-3 per child per weekend. Food items are purchased through the Glastonbury Schools Food Services Department, allowing the program to meet nutritional guidelines, adhere to food allergy policies, and maximize purchasing power.

Thank You to Our Supporters!

The Naubuc Backpack Program is dependent upon funding from the Glastonbury community at-large for the program’s ongoing success.

 Our community has been generous in its support and to date the program has received funding from individuals, local small businesses, and local organizations. We are grateful to the individuals and groups listed below for their generosity:

How Can You Help?

Funding is necessary to the program’s continued success; if you are interested in donating to the Naubuc Backpack Program, please click here for a Donation Form

The Town of Glastonbury is a qualified governmental unit under IRS code Section 170(c)(1). This gift is qualified as a charitable contribution under IRS Code Section 170(b)(1)(A). You have not received any benefits or goods or services because of this contribution. 

If you have any questions, please contact Naubuc School Nurse Jill Roy @ 860-652-7921 or e-mail

Aging Care, LLC 

Eastbury School 5th Grade 2015

Elizabeth Brainard 

Andrea Clark 

Michael Copeck 

The Congregational Church of South Glastonbury 

Joyce and Brendan Flaherty 

First Church of Christ, Congregational 

The Fox Family 

G-bury Kids for Kids, Inc. 

Glastonbury Book Club Members 

Glastonbury Education Foundation 

Glastonbury Hartwell Soccer Club

Glastonbury PTSO 

Glastonbury Public Health Deparment 

(through a block grant from the Centers For Disease Control) 

H.H. Timken II Fund

Hopewell School Student Council 

The Lutheran Church of St. Mark 

Laurie and Walter Murdoch 

Naubuc Elementary School Staff 

Mr. Shepphard's Buttonball Lane Elementary School 4th Grade Class (2013-2014) 

St. James Episcopal Church Children & Church Outreach Committee 

Sharon Tomany and Ron Marone 

Urgent Care of Connecticut, LLC